John Knight, Visually Impaired Writer and Illustrator. There's not many of us about
Og. Carpe el Diem
Og, citizen of Britannica, joined the Legion
And was sent to the very far north of the region
They made him a lookout on Hadrian’s wall
Not knowing he couldn’t see much at all
One misty morning Og rubbed his eyes
And there before him, to his surprise
Were Jocks, who, to Og’s humiliation
Were to the south of the fortification
They raided the fort, made off with their plunder
Would Og be sacked for this terrible blunder?
No…his bosses had a far better scheme
Og became cleaner in the barracks latrine
How can we be sure of the scientific accuracy of the above?
During a recent dig in Birdoswald Fort archaeologists discovered some extremely sophisticated touchingly poetic graffiti scratched into the bricks in the latrine:
My name is Og
And I clean this bog